• replace lwgeom::st_perimeter() by sf::st_perimeter() / update to sf >= 1.0.15.
  • minor improvements.
  • improve README and help pages.
  • remove raster and sp from the suggested packages.
  • add function st_distance_along().
  • add argument use_st_combine (default TRUE) to functions st_erase_robust() and st_or(). Setting use_st_combine to FALSE enforces internal use of st_union() instead of st_union(st_combine()). Leaving out st_combine() may make the erasing more reliable but also slower.
  • replace arguments x.suffix and y.suffix by argument suffix in function st_or().
  • minor improvements of functions.
  • improved vignette and help pages.
  • fixed bug: st_or() and st_erase_robust() return expected geometries.
  • fixed bug: st_or() works with input layers having differently named geometry columns.
  • fixed bug: st_or() works with input layers being totally covered by the other one.
  • new argument check_overlap added to functions st_or() and st_erase_robust().
  • redesign of argument dim and of internal handling of GEOMETRYCOLLECTION of function st_or() (s. examples of the function’s help page).
  • enable passing arguments on to s2::s2_options() in functions st_or() and st_erase_robust().
  • function st_or() accepts sfg as input.
  • include classes SpatExtent, SpatRaster and SpatVector from terra package as input options for functions st_bbox_common() and st_bbox_list().
  • added st_disaggregate() function.
  • abandon use_any_geometry argument in function st_rbindlist(): The function can now handle lists of sf-objects having different geometry_types without any need to specify this.
  • if the argument geometry_name is unspecified (default NULL), the function st_rbindlist() will always return a sf object with a geometry column inheriting its name from the 1st sf object listed in the input.
  • vignette rbindlist_issues updated.